When it comes to choosing the right furnace filter, it's important to consider the size, efficiency, and lifespan of the filter. Refer to the oven manual to see if the filter is the correct size, or refer to the existing filter to determine dimensions. However, if there are other air quality issues, you might consider improving it by combining it with an additional filter or using an oven filter designed to minimize pet allergies. You want to find an oven filter that removes the most contaminants and has the least effect on the airflow of your HVAC system.
The Minimum Efficiency Report Value (MERV) of a furnace filter is a measure of how well it filters particles in the air, how efficiently air flows through it, and how long the filter should last. Homeowners with no air quality issues who are more concerned with protecting the oven do not need a high-efficiency filter. This list of oven filters contains air filters that can trap mold spores, pollen, pet dander, dust and other airborne particles and small droplets for clean home air. Disposable electrostatic oven filters feature electrostatically charged fibers that attract lint, dust and other tiny particles, ensuring a cleaner airflow in your home.
An oven filter is all that stands between the oven burner and the dusty environment, and it also protects people from breathing polluted air recirculated by the blower. For this reason, many medical experts recommend HEPA oven filters to people who are allergic to allergens, debris, or dust because of their excellent capabilities. It's built to last six months, but, as always, it's best to change filters if circumstances arise that cause the HVAC system to operate more frequently. The frames that hold the 0.75-inch thick air filters together can withstand up to 200°F of heat, which exceeds the capacity of cardboard versions. If you're looking for a furnace filter that will keep your home clean and healthy while also protecting your HVAC system from damage, then you should consider investing in a high-efficiency filter.
High-efficiency filters are designed to capture more particles than standard filters and can help reduce allergens in your home. They also have a longer lifespan than standard filters and can help reduce energy costs by allowing more air to flow through your HVAC system. No matter what type of furnace filter you choose, it's important to regularly check and replace your filter as needed. This will ensure that your HVAC system is running efficiently and that your home is free from pollutants.